Ayurvedic Inspired Recipes
Rhubarb strawberry crumble
Gratinated fennel puree
Kitchari Recipe - Ayurvedic Basic Recipe, Detox & Nourishing
Ayurvedic pear or apple crumble for the Vata autumn season
Pumpkin Muffins for the Vata Autumn Season
Delicious Ayurvedic oatmeal with peaches
Chai sweet potato bliss balls
Spicy Ayurvedic chia pudding
Ayurvedic nightcap: saffron latte
Choco sweet potato oatmeal for the autumn
Ayurvedic autumn breakfast: pumpkin oatmeal
Vegan pumpkin bread
Vegan blueberry banana bread muffins
Creamy overnight oatmeal with blueberries (vegan)
Ayurvedic cooling watermelon smoothie (perfect for the summer pitta season)
Smoothie with blueberries, pineapple and coconut water
Vegan brownies with an Ayurvedic touch
Guilt-free apple tarts (sugar free & vegan)
Ayurvedic Golden Milk