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Time, intuition and pigeon pose

22 Oct 2018
by Aimée Kuntz

Yoga inspiration from our social media channels

Instead of a full yoga blog article, here some short stories from our social media channels.





What is time anyway?

What speeding up a yoga video reminded me off: what is time anyway?

Something we use to perceive our lives in a linear way, a form of classification. It is related to our awareness, whereby time shows us snapshots of this awareness. And at each snapshot, the physical senses present one version of reality.

In yoga we work with that. For example if we feel uncomfortable and we have the tendency to blame it on specific circumstances. (Like the room is too hot or too cold or the teacher is holding the posture too long.) But once we accept how we feel and are able to surrender, we can change neurological patterns and (like a miracle) start to perceive the situation completely different, all happening within micro-seconds. So, time and circumstances didn't really change from an external point of view, but our awareness did and it makes all the difference. It changes your reality. 



Heart openers, intuition and experiencing abundance

As you probably know, backbends (like a fish in lotus) are heart openers. This helps also to connect to your intuition.

If your actions become aligned with your intuition, giving and receiving become one. To feel energized and experience abundance.

I believe abundance is a state of mind. I have seen people with not that much money feeling that they have everything they need, enjoy life and feel supported by the universe. I have seen people with a lot of money that felt poor and attacked. For me, reminding myself of the things I can be grateful for is a tremendous way to feel abundance and come in a state of gratitude.

Furthermore, I believe your intuition is guiding you towards your dharma. And to become perfectly okay with who you are.



What is your heart telling you?

“The choice that feels ‘light’ and easy will give energy, while things that take energy will feel ‘heavy’. Actually, this is just a method to become more aware of your intuition. Usually It’s easier to connect with your intuition after a meditation (or yoga posture practice), since that will remove some clutter in your head.”

Read more about this in my e-book Relax Into Action: boundless energy with a yoga lifestyle. Receive it for free by subscribing to our newsletter. Thank you!



Pigeon pose variant to prepare for king pigeon pose

The pigeon variant from the picture (upper right) helps to prepare the shoulders for king pigeon (or full pigeon). Just like in standing bow (pulling) pose, press your foot back into your hand. At the same time, also keep your arm and fingers really active.



Photo credits:

Photo in awkward pose (left photo, at Yoga Festival Arnhem): Edgar van Kesteren

Other photos by YogaHabits

Yoga clothes: K-DEER Izzy Stripe legging and Onzie Elevate bra



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