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My 7 favorite yoga podcasts

4 Mar 2020
by Aimée Kuntz

I just love yoga so much that I like to integrate yoga in my life as much as possible. Whether it is on or off the mat. But of course there are also things that just need to be done. Like folding the laundry...

Of course you can also practice yoga by being in the moment and continuing to act with devotion and gratitude. Personally, I enjoy adding an extra touch of yoga by listening to a yoga podcast in the meantime. The to-do list feels more fun like this and I am learning more about yoga. My favorite yoga podcast moments? During the packing of packages and the folding of the laundry.

Below I share my favorite yoga podcasts with you.


Chat & Chai: Yoga Talks from Miami Life Center

chat & chai podcastBesides from the fact that I love Kino MacGregor online yoga classes on the mat, I find the way she discusses yoga philosophy helpful, accessible and fun. In addition to talks from Kino herself, also talks hosted by Tim Feldmann and other teachers from Miami Life Center can be found on this podcast.

My favorite episodes are still the very first eight episodes, whereby each episode  is centered around one part of the eightfold yoga path: Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi

Also the six episodes in which Tim Feldmann discusses the yoga sutras are really interesting. But actually I think that all episodes of this podcast are very worthwhile.



Dharma Talk

Dharma Talk is a podcast hosted by Henry Winslow (that used to come out with a new episode every week), in which he interviews people with regard to -of course- dharma. Dharma is often described as your unique or personal purpose for which you are here on earth. But as you can discover in this podcast, there are many interpretations about what dharma is.

Often (recognized) yoga teachers are interviewed in the Dharma Talk podcast. All of them are asked the question what dharma means to them and what they think is their own dharma. The conversations allow you to hear about how dharma has affected their lives. Because everyone has a personal story. Not only the result the outside world can witness years later, but also the challenges they encountered along the way.

My favorite episode? That's DT052, in which my teacher Andrei Ram is interviewed. And also the last episode of the show DT108 with Sri Dharma Mittra is something really special.

Just as the Chat & Chai podcast, I think I have listened to all the episodes. Yes, I follow this podcast with already more than 100 episodes already for a while..



Yoga Inspiration (by Kino MacGregor)

Kino podcast yoga inspirationKino keeps inspiring me with her combination of teachers skills of yoga postures as well as integrating yoga into your day. She doesn't shy away from difficult subjects. Further, she has integrated yoga so much into her own life, that she can share embodied knowledge.

She has found an inspiring combination of making yoga accessible for all and providing depth in her teachings. Both on and off the yoga mat.



Highest Self Podcast

Highest Self podcastAre you interested in Ayurveda? Sahara Rose Ketabi is author of the two Ayurvedic books

Idiot’s Guides to Aurveda & Eat Feel Fresh(an Ayurvedic plant-based cookbook). 

Besides her books, she also created the Highest Selfpodcast with more that 260 episodes, with all kind of subjects that are all related in connecting and expressing her higher Self.

My personal favorite episodes are related to Ayurveda. A few of my recommendations are:

114: Finding your dharma with Deepak Chopra

104: All about Ayurvedic TONGUE Analysis with John of Joyful Belly

111: Ayurvedic facial analysis to assess your dosha with John Immel 

106: Ayurvedic Herbal Healing with Dr. Virender Sodhi, Youveda Advisory Member



The Ashtanga Dispatch Yoga Podcast

Ashtanga Dispatch PodcastIn this podcast Peg Mulqueen along with her daughter Meghan Powell interview many senior ashtanga teachers about yoga, their journey and the challenges they faced in life. They aim to explore what it means to practice yoga through conversations with the people who inspire, question, provoke, educate, and empower.

But please, don't think this podcast is only for the yogi's that practice the ashtanga style. It's about the eight limbs of yoga. So independent of what kind of asana you practice, these personal conversations are discussing in dept subjects. Not only the challenges the ashtanga community had to face last few years. But also about personal challenges these long time yoga practitioners have overcome. 



Sadhguru’s Podcast

This podcast are records of conversations with Sadhguru -maybe you know him from the book “Inner engineering, A Yogi’s Guide to Joy”)-, where he answers all kinds of questions.

Because of this, this podcast gives insight in his perspective on especially the practical things in life with a lense of spirituality. 

View the topics of the episodes yourself to check if there are episodes that are of interest to you.



The Yogi Show 

Podcast the yogi showThe hosts of this show describe this podcast themself as "Yoga, Mindfulness, and Gratitude with a Touch of Humor". I think rightly so. Perfect for those moments when you just like to hear fun interviews with yogis. I came across this podcast myself through this episode:

Episode 12 - Kino MacGregor



Have fun with these extra yoga-off-the-mat podcasts.

Enjoy your habits today with love and light.



Aimée Kuntz


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