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Mini meditation: enjoy your breath

4 Jan 2018
by Aimée Kuntz

Although in contrary to the objective of a meditation practice, the word ‘meditation’ sometimes brings up some tension with some people. Understandably, since building up a regular meditation practice can be challenging, even though many yogis speak very positively about the benefits of their meditation practice. However, the mini meditation discussed in this yoga blog is super accessible for everyone.


Enjoy your breathing as mini meditation

A week ago I heard happiness coach Rob Mack speak about this mini-meditation in a video. How to do this? Very simple; by enjoying your breath. Please give it a try, even if it’s just for one breath.


You will notice that by enjoying your breaths, you will become aware of your breathing. So you thereby also practice mindfulness at the same time. Furthermore, I immediately noticed that this even goes beyond creating awareness. Namely that you thereby also connect with a feeling of happiness. Happiness that does not depend on anything or anyone.



Is this again a form of rainbows & unicorns?

Although I really like rainbows and unicorns, that is not what this mini-meditation is all about. At the moment that I heard about this exercise, I had already been in a very intense grieving process for a few weeks and I felt anything but connected to bliss.


However, this exercise helped to connect again with a feeling of happiness. Even though the circumstances in my life had absolutely not changed at all. The contrast in my life was still present. And yet, I could feel happy again. Independent of circumstances. Without attachment. And slowly began to feel my connection with the universe again.


About one week later, I have applied this technique a lot. And I am so enthusiastic about it, that I wanted to share it with you in this yoga blog. For me it really is a form of #practicefromtheinsideout. Because no matter how good conditions contribute to our happiness, we don’t need these circumstances to be able to feel happy. This feeling of bliss (where you could connect with by for example enjoying your breath) has always been with you and will always be with you. And the simple technique of enjoying your breaths helps to connect with it, so that you can experience this feeling over and over again.



A form of meditation that you can practice anywhere anytime

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you could practice this form of. Also at work, while cooking, making a nice walk in nature and of course during your yoga class.  


What do you experience when you enjoy your breath? Personally I feel more energy, connection, peace and a warm cozy feeling in my heart. And yes, even so a little bit of unicorns & rainbows: bliss.


It would be great if you leave a comment on how this mini meditation works for you, which could also help others creating their YogaHabits.


Enjoy your Habits© today with love and light!


Aimée Kuntz



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