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Gratitude Yoga Journey

7 Jun 2021
by Aimée Kuntz

Gratefulness feels so good. Who doesn’t want that feeling as a state of being? Although it is human to move in and out of gratitude, we can cultivate gratefulness. Who likes to join on a gratitude journey?


Happiness cannot be traveled, owned, earned, worn, or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.” ~ Denis Waitly


The practice of yoga postures is part of the eight limb path as described by Patanjali in the yoga sutra. The yoga postures are not an end in itself. But they do help and are part of the eight limb path of yoga. They affect the energy channels in your body, calm your mind and support the inner work of yoga.


A gratitude practice is a way to do inner work and fits perfectly within a yoga practice. After all, one of the Niyama (another limb of the eight limb yoga path) is santosha - contentment, which is supported by gratitude. 


For this reason, I organise an instagram gratitude yoga challenge, where we integrate the practice of yoga asana with the innerwork of a gratitude practice. It will be hosted from June 10th - 14th 2021 with the hashtag  #JuneGratitudeYogis (click HERE to check the challenge). You are very welcome to join. YogaHabits is even sponsoring a prize for one of the winners, so maybe you end up with winning a YogaHabits gift card.


While the support of the yoga community can be very helpful, I do realize that not everybody that is interested in a gratitude yoga practice, will join via instagram. Or maybe you read this blog only after the challenge has taken place. So for those people I am making the journaling questions available here.


For each day you will find journaling questions and an inspiring quote. Are you ready to step on your yoga mat and to reflect afterwards in your journal?


Day 1 Gratitude with Wonder

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” ~ Albert Einstein

Yoga posture: any inversion or twist (for example headstand or Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Journaling question: Time to broaden our awareness. How is wondering and seeing different perspectives make you feel more gratitude?

Day 2 Gratitude with Appreciation

For what has been, thanks! For what shall be -- yes!” ~ Dag Hammerskjöld

Yoga posture: any sitting forward fold (for example paschimottanasana)

Journaling question: Time to reflect inwards. Who do you appreciate or feel thankful for?

Day 3 Gratitude with Strength

There is a middle way, a place where you can be both soft & strong, open to growth & firm in your boundaries, forgiving but not forgetting, wise & compassionate, peaceful & driven to act -- this to me is what all the strength in yoga is about.” ~ Kino MacGregor

Yoga posture: any core pose (for example navasana, boat pose)

Journaling question: Time to build a strong foundation for transformation. Has there been a transformation in yourself or someone else that inspires you?


Day 4 Gratitude with Love

Live in love & all of life is a miracle unfolding with beauty & awe.” ~ Kino MacGregor

Yoga posture: any heart opener (for example ustrasana, camel pose)

Journaling question: Time for that inner spark. How has yoga transformed you or your life?


Day 5 From Gratitude to Grace

When I am Grateful, I find my Grace” ~ Deepak Chopra

Yoga posture: Yogi’s Choice (for example your favorite yoga pose)

Journaling questing: Time for integration. What does grace looks like to you? When things become challenging, what can you do to return to grace?


Outfit at photo

I am wearing an Onzie outfit here: GlacierMidi leggings and Knot Tee with underneath the White Sacred bra.


Yoga Journal

Looking for a journal that is supporting both the practice on as off the mat? Check the Yoga Journals by Daily Greatness in our webshop.

Daily Greatness Yoga Journal


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Purple Bloom
15 Jan 2025
After your practice, consider journaling any insights or feelings of gratitude that arose during your yoga session. This helps reinforce the positive emotions and allows you to integrate them into your daily life.
By focusing on gratitude during your yoga practice, you not only enhance your connection to your physical body but also foster a positive mindset that can extend into all areas of your life.
Together, let’s continue to cultivate a practice that enriches our lives and uplifts those around us, one quote and one pose at a time.
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