"Thank you for your courage." Lately, I've heard this sentence a couple of times (coming from lovely co-creators). Funny was that it didn’t feel it as courage at the moment, but as the only way forwards. Why it didn’t feel as courage although I was trying something new? Probably because I had already made the decision from my heart to take this step.
Why does it often feel so scary to take a new direction in life? And why desires are really powerful tools for self-realization.
Figments of imagination
On the contrary, in the week before I felt challenged by situations that could also have been experienced as easy, but some blockages appeared. For example, when I was at the beach and wanted to try out a meditation technique that I just read about. I like to apply the things I learn as quick as possible, since it helps me to integrate them in my life. But while doing this, some figments of imagination show up as “the people at the beach club behind me probably think that I am crazy’. That while the only visible difference with the moment before was that I was sitting cross-legged instead of laying on my towel at the beach. I also didn’t hinder anyone in what they wanted to do. But that little voice in my head… that again I wanted to do something else than others. As if what I desire and who I am is too much. As if that is not allowed to be there. Time to let it go! Feeling where these thoughts come from, that they are not true, to forgive them, to create space, to even feel which beautiful idea is trying to unfold.
Desires serve to pursue your intention
Fortunately, I am also convinced that we all have a purpose, an intention in our lives. That we usually only get to know the next step in pursuing that intention. And that luckily our soul desires show us the way. That those desires are there to be fulfilled and that we also help others by doing that. Even if it feels scary, if you don’t know yet how or if you cannot explain how this would help rationally. That we usually need to experience tons of different situations that work like building blocks, whereby your desires could change to show us the next step, the next building block. The change in desire hereby ensures that you won’t skip any steps to avoid spiritual bypassing. Each experience should be lived to the fullest. The challenges you thereby face are the contrast to show where your work is. “Head in the clouds and hands in the dirt.”
I experienced some big changes in my desires myself, making me even go for some big career changes. If the contrast is big, it sometimes takes some time before I dare to trust the new hints of the universe. For example if what I desired last year, was something I truly wanted so badly and I made some big changes for, but is something else than what I desire now.
And yet ... with each step I make, my abundance in happiness grows… each time more than I thought that was even possible. And I also feel that by making these steps I also let others be themselves more and more.
That being said, please take into account that there could be distinguished between heart desires and needs. The desire can serve as a map. But expecting a result is something else. Our ego is not able to see the big picture why a specific kind of effort could help us grow. Just as in your asana practice, you can give the effort, but at the same time it is advised to not expect a result. So heart desires that show you the map, but with detachment of any result.
By the way, I am grateful for all my experiences. The beautiful moments, but also all the intense difficult moments. They formed the contrast I needed for my pursuit of happiness. Without those moments, YogaHabits probably wouldn’t have existed. And I am really grateful for YogaHabits!
Blockades are an invitation to take the next step
And back to courage. Courage and trust are usually needed to be able to make the next step. To make a decision from the heart. Confidence in that all will be fine. That you already have all the necessary tools to live up to your intention. One of my teachers says about intuition: "you can never be wrong".
During this journey, we also inspire each other. Our choice show others that it is okay. To fulfill their (unique) desires. After all, we all work together. Together we are the universe.
YogaHabits to find your courage:
- Clear your mind and increase your vibration by practicing yoga poses (asana), meditating, cleaning & tidying up your house or a lovely beach walk.
- Take the time to feel your emotions. Where in your body do you feel a blockade? Where is this energy moving? If you let go of this, which beautiful idea is trying to manifest itself? Let go of the blocking thoughts and forgive yourself and others (for example, use the Ho'oponopono method).
- If you want to make a decision, which option feels light and which heavy? (The light one is true). What do you need to realize your desire? You could always ask the universe for help, but feel it as your responsibility to give it your all.
- Use your thoughts, words and actions wisely and trust your desire. Let the universe know that you really want it by acting on it. For me, it helps to even use challenges that I thereby face to express my desire.
- Count your blessing. Be grateful. Enjoy your dream life. Thank you for your courage!
Enjoy your Habits© today!
Aimée Kuntz
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