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Cleanliness and yoga clothing

8 Jul 2019
by Aimée Kuntz

With yoga clothing it sometimes seems to be just about fashion. But it doesn't have to be. Our everyday actions are actually how we have affect the earth and how we treat each other. It is a possibility for pragmatic solutions.

Patty Jongemaets is a yoga teacher who inspired me to use the virtues, as defined in the International Virtues Project, as a filter/perspective. One of the virtues used in this project is the virtue 'cleanliness'. And although you may not immediately think of virtue cleanliness when you think of yoga clothing, there is actually much to to gain here. Check the virtue card below to become inspired yourself.

cleanliness virtues

In the case of clothing and fashion, there is still much to be gained in terms of cleanliness since the clothing industry is not known for its clean customs. Fortunately, there are more and more people who feel it is important to take good care of our earth and all its inhabitants. Such as a number of yogis who make a difference by combining their creativity (to design beautiful yoga clothes) with cleaner production methods. These are exactly the type of yoga brands that I sell at YogaHabits.


Eco-friendly coloring and manufacturing of yoga clothing

Did you know that the coloring process of clothing is usually very bad for our water quality? However, K-DEER applies very strict eco-friendly guidelines to guarantee the quality of the water, which makes a big difference. In addition, part of the proceeds from their signature stripe collection goes to charities and they support a positive (body) self-image by, among other things, ensuring that their designs look good whether you have size XS or 4XL.

Another pioneer in the yoga clothing world is Teeki. They make yoga clothing from fabrics made of recycled plastic water bottles. A great pragmatic way to get less plastic into landfills. The fabric is (of course) super soft, wicks moisture away immediately and feels like a second skin.


Cleanliness in working conditions

Another way to apply cleanliness via your yoga clothing is to choose yoga clothing brands that are made in good working conditions.

For me personally, offering yoga clothing made with yoga values is one of the ways I want to contribute to making a life inspired by the yoga philosophy more accessible. All yoga brands that I offer through YogaHabits are therefore produced in good work conditions. That too is a form of cleanliness for me. To prevent others from working in circumstances other than what I would like to see for myself.

I love pragmatic solutions. And the combination of beautiful prints on my comfortable yoga clothing made in good working conditions is one of the ways in which I apply the yoga philosophy in my life.


Keeping your yoga clothes clean and fresh

Talking about a completely different aspect of cleanliness... Yes, I know: an intensive yoga asana session can become sweaty. Of course you want to keep your yoga clothing clean and fresh. But also that the high-tech fabrics in your yoga outfit last a long time.

By adding a dash of colorless natural vinegar to the wash (in the fabric softener compartment), you prevent odors and retain colors better. This allows you to wash your favorite yoga clothing perfectly on cold temperature with a small (less than you would expect) splash of ecological detergent and it will last even longer.

Because durability is also a way to take good care of our planet. And that while you keep your yoga clothing beautiful, fresh and clean.

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